Friday, January 19, 2007

Snow Party: Devotion

Here is what I plan to share for our devotion time at the snow party!

* Have any of you ever seen snow? Tell us about it.
* (Show picture of snow) Snow is like frozen rain - instead of water falling from the clouds, when it is really cold, it turns to snow! And, guess what, no two snowflakes are alike! They are all different!
* Read The Tiny Snowflake (a story about a snowflake who is unsure of her unique purpose and who tries to be like other snowflakes but learns she was created for a special purpose and doesn't need to try to be like the other snowflakes)
* Just like Lacy, God has made each one of us different and for a very special purpose.
* Now, let's see what God's word has to say about snow.
* Isaiah 1:18b, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow."
* Psalm 51:7, "Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."
* Hold up white rag with a black heart on it (draw on with washable marker).

* What kind of things would we need to be cleansed from? How can we be cleansed from these things?
* A red bowl of water will symbolize being washed in the blood of Christ - wash out rag and hold it up so that the children can see the black heart is washed clean. (The rag will hold some of the black color, so it won't be sparkling white - just explain that this is an example of how the black is washed away.)

* Have a volunteer hold up a piece of white paper and another shine a flashlight on it. This will show the brightness of the white.
* Isn't it exciting that God says He will make us WHITER than the snow! Can you imagine anything whiter than snow? Well, God can and that is how He cleans our hearts when we ask for His forgiveness and receive Him as our Savior for all of eternity.
* Pray to close and for lunch.

Our party is this morning, so I'll post photos later!


Anonymous said...

Hi Monica!
What a great idea. It's funny, because yesterday I was driving to work and looking at all the snow we have here in CO. You know that when we get a snow storm the snow doesn't last long. Not this time! Yesterday I thought "I wonder if one of the reasons God is making this snow stick around is because he wants us to remember that we are WHITER than snow." That is pretty white. I enjoyed your devotional - and hope you have a great day today!

It's a Mom Thing said...

Yea!!! That is a great little devotional. Have fun and post pics later! I can't wait to see how much everyone loved your crafts and food.

Mom said...

Have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Monica,

What an appropriate devotional to use for your snow party. It also reminds me of the song "Whiter Than Snow" on the Twila Paris Christmas CD. :)

Love you -- Mom

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Where did you find this book? You seem to have so many wonderful books for teaching!

Monica Wilkinson said...

My mom gave us this book as a gift - I often feel like we don't have lots of good books! But, I think the key is how you use the books you have - you are probably thinking we have lots of great books because I am highlighting the ones that we enjoy using and incorporating into our family activities! Any book about a snowflake can be incorporated if you set the tone yourself and share the same ideas and principles!